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Old September 12th, 2009, 02:04 PM

Radio_Star Radio_Star is offline
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Default Re: Bretonnia, Knights of the Grail v.0.83 -- Finally a stable release!

I drop the 1st fort right next to the cap. I'm not an enormous fan of Grail Knights, so robbing resources from the capitol when the trade is faster expansion is worth it to me. To be competitive, there's just so much you're going to have to do so fast with this nation. You've gotta blitz out and grab turf while throwing up forts like mad to deter opposition and crank out more thugs, all the while you're racing against the clock to establish a secure base and make the switch to mage/research production and adding a couple massively expensive labs. With so much to do so fast, squeezing the most out of every possible turn seems vital, even to the point of robbing resources from your cap.
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