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Old September 13th, 2009, 10:41 AM

Azriel Azriel is offline
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Default Re: New Nation: Dragons, Magic Incarnate V1.01

Of the Dom3000 nations, these dragons are my favorite. In fact, I've taken to use them in the more traditional maps.
Great job!
There is one thing that makes them far overpowered, however: The ghost dragons assassination ability makes assassinations almost a sure thing. The only being that can survive an assassination attempt by one of these is a pretender. That's just too powerful. As cheap as they are, you can assassin spam any nation on the map and then just walk over them with any size army. Five or six ghost dragons in a capital, each assassinating every turn, will completely destroy that nation and, really that's not very enjoyable to either player.
Therefore, I recommend that the assassination ability be removed from ghost dragons. I think spy ability would be a nice trade-off.

By the way, I've fixed a few grammatical errors and I've taken the liberty to add three national heroes to your original mod. Please have a look and let me know what you think. When you download it, change the file extension from ".txt" to ".dm" and you should be good to go. The heroes I created are oriented more towards a traditional map and theme, so you may not want to include them in the Dom3k mod. I used existing sprites for the heroes, but I really should create new ones. If I do, I'll post them here, too.

Oh, one other thing. This nation becomes really interesting when you play on a map with no independants. In fact, I recommend that's the only way to do Dragons if you are going to play SP.

Once again. This is a really fun mod. Thanks!
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