That was one of the most pathetic excuses for a win that I've ever seen. Aristander, in collusion with Wraithlord, just throws the game to him. Never in many years of playing dominions have I seen the like, and I would love someone to link to a game where this happened and was accepted practice. Both of the final two vps were thrown to him, instead of defended; wraithlord certainly was fully complicit in this, taking R'lyeh's very capital without resistance.
I haven't seen such a rigged win since playing Norfleet.
This was not a win in anything other than a technical sense. Wraithlord and Aristander show themselves as players without honour, whatever that counts for.
It also demonstrates nothing as to skill playing in the game; it is the most egregious hack of a win I have ever encountered, and I am sorry that such an epic game, so wonderfully hosted by pashadawg, should end in this manner.
I will take this as an admission that WL could not win by above board means, and so had to resort to such subterfuge.