Re: Asia Twist - Wraithlord Wins!
i'm not especially upset, just somewhat appalled. It does not bother me that you find my implications offensive, as they are correct. I've never seen such blatant collusion to just give away a game ever in all my years of playing Dominions. If such activities are considered fine, are there any, other than outright hacking, that aren't?
I wouldn't have minded if you had won - I've lost often enough. But such a win is not an honest one. Please show me other games on this forum where there has been such a collusion. As far as I know, and rather surprisingly, such bare-faced throwing of a long-standing game is unprecedented.
I see you do not deny the content of my claims.
"If I managed to take a given VP it was b/c you failed to stop me."
not quite, though an entertaining dodge. You managed to take these two vps as you were given them, knowingly, by your ally, who refused to defend them specifically so that you could win. "by any means necessary", I guess. Those are not the actions that friends take in a "friendly" game.
Again, I ask, when else has the like occurred? To have great and epic games settled by such collusion - is this not destructive of the very bases upon which this community, and the games it sets up, are played?
Last edited by archaeolept; September 13th, 2009 at 03:40 PM..