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Old September 14th, 2009, 05:47 AM
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Default Re: Asia Twist - PBEM

Originally Posted by PashaDawg View Post

Jotunheim has won the game. Congratulations, Wraithlord!

Thanks to all for playing.

By the way, any critiques about the map would be appreciated, in case I make another big map. What was good. What as kooky or annoying. No obligation to comment, of course.

Hi Pasha, I'm playing on Asia Twist, in Beyond, not here. I really like the style of your maps, but the only point I didn't like about this one is it's a little big for the end game, just for my personal taste. Good points IMO are the diverse terrain, nice atmosphere from the map artwork, and good use of mountains and water for choke points. The archipelago also sets up a good dominion battle with whoever is in the water and whoever is on the islands. Oh, and I was very happy to capture the island where I live IRL!

Anyway, I'd love to see you do a wrap-around 8-to-10 player map in the AsiaTwist/Alexander style.
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