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Old September 14th, 2009, 12:06 PM
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Default Re: Asia Twist - Wraithlord Wins!

Thank you mscfish. You have done very well in this game. So good in-fact that none of the super powers wanted to mess with you.

Frankly speaking, I was watching (not to say, coveting) your VP as well. Each turn I'd do a summary of all VPs not owned by me and sort them according to the defending forces. Your VP was consistently the third from the last right after R'lyehs VPs
The only reason I didn't attack you (and mind you we never had a formal NAP so I could do that) is for fear that your pretender and mages can all GW in a pinch, besides I preferred to attack a target that Van would not expect, that and knowing that R'lyehs army is tied up protecting his last VP decided the matter

I watched your moves this game. I think you handled MA Ermor well. In-fact seeing your battles gave me this craving to play Ermor in my next game so thank you for that as well
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