Originally Posted by TwoBits
Damn, I'd like to get in on this. Is it all mod nations? I don't care, I just want to be involved in a pure RP game (I hate trying to RP other MP game communications at this point - you start with, "Greetings! We are the slaves of Lord So-and-So the Terrible..." - and wind up reduced to "OK, what booster do you need to cast that Ench-6 spell?" etc.). Especially want to play in a game with "real" diplomacy, meaning nothing that is binding (No, "sorry Hitler, you agreed to that NAP-3 with Stalin, so no Barbarossa until Winter of 42 for you!").
Plus a small, cozy 6 player game seems nice right about now
Don't know squat about "Itza", but I'd happily take them for a spin.
Oh, almost forgot, "Hammer Time".
Sorry, but the game is full. We already have 6 players.
If you want a roleplay-tastic game, I advise to start your own. I think that there is a demand for that kind of game, as long as the RPG aspect isn't too "extreme", so to speak. Perhaps just dictate that all messages should be in character? You should fill up with 6 players in no time.