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Old September 14th, 2009, 02:19 PM
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Default Re: Asia Twist - Wraithlord Wins!

Ok. I'll try to put on an AAR. Hopefully I won't get to tied up and be able to complete it. I'll do this in small steps. So w/o further ado:
The chronicles of Burn the ultimate god of AsiaTwist map (well ultimate just below Pasha's heavy feat that is )

Turns 1-10:
1. Burn, Imprisoned Earth Mother E9N9 Dom-8 great scales.
Why I chose her?- I personally prefer either SC or rainbow mages but wanted to try this new (to me ) fashion
that everyone seemed so excited about - heavy bless.
Prophetize Gere the Jotun herse. He'll stay alive through most of the game and will have a place in HoF.
recruit woodsman and my fav Jotum mage: the Vaetti hag.

2. Take starting army and woodsman and move towards first indie province.
recruitment is same as first turn.

3. 0 losses. Take another indie province.

4. same. Ashdod leads the expansion race.

5. Gere enters HoF with light. reflexes.

6. 2nd army (woodsman led by a jarl) joins expansion.

7. Upgrade to two new indie provinces per turn. 3rd army out the gates.
Ashdod and Van lead the expansion race.

8. Meet both TC and Ctis. A fatefull meeting. With TC I'll keep the peace until the end game and have great relations.
Ctis with it's offensive Miasma domain I conceive as a problem and start working on a plan to eliminate it.

9. Expand - 3 indie provinces per turn.
Ashdod leads the race.

10. Meet Pythium, Bandar and Pan. With the former two I sign NAPs.
With Pan I also sign NAP but somehow it doesn't feel that secure.
I have a bad feeling re. Pan and later Caelum disposition towards me all game long.
At one point later on my fears came true as both attacked me
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