Originally Posted by Jazzepi
With EA Tien Chi one of my favorite tactic is to give the N1W1 or A1W1 mage commanders bows of bewolf. Script them to quicken self + eagle eyes/aim, then set them to fire large monster. Seed one in each of your border provinces. When an enemy attacks with thugs or SCs, they'll be retarded fairly quickly.
First, great turn of phrase at the end there.
Second, does the "quickness" casting actually work for you? In my experience (which is limited after early failures), quickness results in an arrow being fired and then the unit merely advancing forward without taking a second shot.
On a more general note, check out Fire Ebola's for some interesting "bow" options. They are single handed, so a high preciscion unit can equip two (and hopefully an eye of aiming) and throw them into the enemy ranks causing some attrition to units on the front.