Re: Asia Twist - Wraithlord Wins!
I need to learn how to control my mouth when subbing, as it is clear my comments have added directly to this fiasco, heh. I can't say as to whether the game was "thrown" or not, that is for aristander and wraithlord to say.
However, on the subject of whether it is acceptable to "throw" a game, I would like to comment. Personally, I have done this, in my second game. It was a noob game and early on, I allied myself with one of my neighbors. I decided I didn't care about winning, so long as the person who guaranteed my not winning was unable to claim victory. So, later in the game, when that player went AI and it was just me, my ally and another player standing, we called the game in favor of my ally, and I had no problem with giving him the win. I could have given my ally a pretty good fight, and maybe, just maybe beaten him. But I never had any intention of fighting him. Of course, it was never my intention to win that game. Just not to lose. But I felt no shame in allowing the win to go to my ally rather than my enemy.
If there is a nation which I really don't want to see winning the game, vs a nation who I'm allied with, and I have no chance to win the game myself... I will probably choose to back the one I dislike the least. Even if I'm not the one who wins, it gives me the satisfaction of my "side" winning. This sort of thing happens all the time. Giving someone your VPs to let them win is not really much different in my opinion.
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