@rdonj, I have seen what you describe happen many times over. Sometimes it was not one nation but 2-3 that did their best to crown someone. I was many times on the losing side of this and while it was frustrating at the moment. I just took this in good spirit and started thinking what the winner did better than me that I can improve - the answer was almost always the same: diplomacy. In past game I have experienced (and ultimately lost the game to) deceits, hidden trades, transfer of whole gem/item/gold inventory, forge whoring and what not.
Do I personally support this?- Well it is annoying I'll admit, from the noble perspective of everything must be a fair fight. However, I learned that in dominions, like in love, like in war, like in life its not all black and white and romanticized. In diplomacy game you'd always have to deal with this stuff as well. So for now I'm getting more fun out of RAND games but that doesn't say that diplo game are not fun - they just require different mind set to play and enjoy well.
@DonC, Thank you for the congrats. Coming from you - my "incorruptible" arch-enemy this means a lot!
And yes, I meant that bit above. I have considered you my most bitter opponent throughout the game. Had it not been to the fear of you and Caelum jumping me I'd have dealt with Van a lot earlier (with help from friends of course, one doesn't go to wars or parties alone

Re. flattery. Perhaps it's a cultural thing. Where I grew up ppl are very emphatic and sympathetic and are generous with compliments. I'm sorry if you find this in bad taste. I truly believe my compliments and I am not using flattery. I hate flattery. I'll try to moderate my compliments when talking to N. Americans as clearly there's a cultural gap here.
I hear what you're saying re. staying out of the tough fights. Let me tell you that I was once in the exact spot where you stand now. Then I lost a few games due to *not* taking action in time (most notable first RAND where I could have made a big difference but b/c I didn't take action ended up losing to Micah).
Gem gens I came to dislike. I want to try a few games w/o them and see if like the settings w/o them.
Indies and luck in the game are things that love in dominions. Sometimes you are benefiting from those sometimes not but they do serve to make each game unique and interesting.
Now to most important stuff:
Congrats to new DON dad to a newborn

Peace and happiness to the family and may you find some time in the future to cont. playing DOM with us