September 15th, 2009, 08:58 AM
Major General
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Re: Overlords - Game Thread. (Awaiting map creation)
Personally, what I would do is throw myself on his mercy and beg to become a vassal. Make it more advantageous for him to leave you alive, maybe offer to pay tribute if it makes the difference. I only partially speak tongue in cheek, I'd expect the best way to play a normal in this game early on is to try and line up a sponsor (or maybe more than one you can play off each other!). Personally, I'd love to have a vassal or two who could come in and storm capitals after I crack them. This is a fun dynamic in a "backstabbing encouraged" game.
My guides to Mictlan, MA Atlantis, Eriu, Sauromatia, Marverni, HINNOM, LA Atlantis, Bandar, MA Ulm, Machaka, Helheim, Niefleheim, EA Caelum, MA Oceana, EA Ulm, EA Arco, MA Argatha, LA Pangaea, MA T'ien Ch'i, MA Abysia, EA Atlantis, EA Pangaea, Shinuyama, Communions, Vampires, and Thugs
Baalz good player pledge