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Old September 15th, 2009, 12:31 PM
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Default Re: Asia Twist - Wraithlord Wins!

Turns 16-20:
16. Everybody has 2-3 castles only I am left stuck with 1. Those blessed giants cost a fortune!
Recruiting Gygja for D/N/S/B access

17. Ok. The two forts I was so busy constructing are at last complete, now I have 3 castles. Burn in her celestial prison smiles in content.
The war between Pythium and Van erupts.

18. Oceania is close to extinction at R'lyehs hands. He sends to me a wave breaker that I'll use until the game ends. This wave breaker has literally hundreds of notches, one for each vanquished foe of the true faith
Reach Thaum 2. for site searching.

19. Ulm goes AI with Ashdod being the driver.
Pythium asks for my help against Van but I prefer to concentrate on Ctis. Perhaps this was a mistake on my part as Van will cont. to grow and expand and eat lesser nations and ultimately become a superpower.
Recruit first Joton Skratti. These will prove to be an unstoppable force throughout the game. Properly equipped they even eat Tartarians. An amazing commander with a wide range of abilities that Baalz has described well in one of his guides.

20. Several wars are raging. Most notable is a band of nations against Ashdod led by Pan.
Me and TC finish working out the details for attacking Ctis. The attack is imminent.
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