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Old September 15th, 2009, 06:39 PM

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Default Re: Sign of the Hammer - A Warhammer Mod Game.

Originally Posted by DrPraetorious View Post
Skaven has a national pretender (although he isn't the Great Horned Rat, which he should be), but still: Lord of the Summer Plague, Lord of Rebirth, Ageless Olm, Monolith, Carrion Dragon, Dracolich, Destroyer of Worlds.

Itza should be allowed to get: Phoenix, Mother of Serpents, Mother of Monsters, Sphinx, Glyph, Ageless Olm, Risen Oracle.

Ogre Kingdoms should be allowed to get: Son of Niefel, Lord of Rebirth, Skratti, Bog Mummy, Monolith, Great Mother, Lord of Fertility, Father of Winters, Virtue.
There are several issues why the Great Horned Rat isn't in the mod. First and most important, Warhammer gods aren't really the same thing as pretenders. They're actual gods, not just big things with lots of magic. Secondly I don't really like doing big graphics and since verminlords are in his image, I guess he'd be a huge scaled up one of those. Though he is mentioned to take thousands of unspeakable forms, it's not like any of them are really depicted anywhere, because he's a proper God, with the whole omnipotent but not physically present thing going on. Also I don't like doing pretenders more generally.

I don't agree with most of those you list. I mean Virtue for Ogre Kingdoms? What? Risen Oracle for Itza?
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