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Old September 16th, 2009, 03:51 AM

Kuritza Kuritza is offline
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Default Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.6

Originally Posted by Squirrelloid View Post
Their tiny gem income put it up, and they had to pass 150s benchmark to do so. Certainly your similarly tiny gem income can afford the 30s for dispelling + whatever boost you feel is appropriate - that's like a 1:5 advantage in your favor!
Even if you have stored 100+ astral to dispel Nexus immediately, which doesnt happen all the time, he will just cast it again next turn. Did you ever cast Nexus in an intense MP game? Its 200+ astral pearls per turn.

and... what stops that from happening now? I mean, even now with gemgens the same stuff happens, and your opposite is surely clamming/bloodstoning/fetishing just as hard as you are. There's no difference in comparative advantage here.
Of course there is a huge difference. No gemgens rule makes land much more important, which makes any gap wider. I think its too obvious to explain in detail.
Also, there's a fat chance that other dude didnt even start clamming yet. Imagine that its Mictlan. He can rush like no tomorrow, but he cant start clamming out of the box.

Originally Posted by Squirrelloid View Post
Troops which are just so much chaff... Surely any LA nation can do something about those with national recruits. Strategic and tactical use of your mages may also be more important in such a scenario.
Say again? Ermor troops are useless chaff? With natonal unholy blessing? Really? Thousand of longdead legionaires with 16+ attack and high MR anyone? With darkness? Knights of the Unholy Sepulchre, anyone?
Rlyeh spawn is useless chaff? Void creatures, tramplers, huh? Not to mention that Rlyeh also has recriutable troops to support this chaff, which happen to be identical to MA RLyeh troops. And MA RLyeh is a very solid nation.

So yes, surely and LA nation can do something about these with just national recruits, which is why even with gemgens these two nations won most games so far.

Originally Posted by Squirrelloid View Post
How did they not end up with just as many SCs as you before, as well? I mean, Rlyeh gets a great clamming mage on an N random, so its not like they're going to lack for clams. Ermor has great access to death magic for all that crazy death thugging/SCing without alchemizing. I'm just not seeing how lack of gem gens means you no longer have an SC advantage against them.
Ermor's got a weak research, so its gonna take a while before he can get SCs and clammers of his own.
Rlyeh... Well, in my opinion LA RLyeh is just crazy, in all meanings. But when X > Y, X/Y < X + a / Y + a.
In other words, when national troops dont matter as much as SCs and summons do, advantage in national troops also doesnt matter as much.

Originally Posted by Squirrelloid View Post
Its not that I necessarily agree with removal of gem gens, but I don't think it has the consequences you do, because everyone is affected equally. This means equal reduction in the number of SCs on both sides, assuming the two sides are actually evenly matched. (Otherwise, the stronger side should still tend to defeat the weaker side if they fight straight-up).
Affected equally doesnt mean equally hurt. Reduction in the number of SCs will strengthen some nations and weaken others. Also, see above about widening all gaps.
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