Originally Posted by WingedDog
Originally Posted by quantum_mechani
*Clams, Blood stones and Fever Fetishes Unique items.
If the Blood Stone now is a unique item, then the Earth Boots are the only reasonable earth boster remaining. Maybe just removing gem generating effect from the Blood Stone was enough? Or perhabs creating an alternative booster?
You are not the first one to come up with this idea. It's a good idea, but not possible to implement with the current modding tools. We can't change any special properties of magic items (expect for the weapon and armor stats alonside with cost and researchlevel).
The closest "replacing" earth booster would likely be the artifact "Pebble Skin Suit", moved to construction 6 for example, but it has a lot of other effects, like being cursed and giving stoneskin, +2 str and regeneration. It also has a chance to turn the wearer into a troll each month.
The early Days game is currently testing the Pebble Skin Suit as an con6 item with a cost of E4B1. After giving it some tought, I think that it would have been better to make it E5. With a whopping cost of 40 earth gems, you would only use it as a booster when you really need it (seriosuly, how many Treelord staves have you forged?), so there won't be any "troll" spam happening. Also the "Troll" transformation is more useful for human nations than to giants.