Balance Machaka
I was working on giving Machaka some love in my balance series - but a lot of the changes I wanted to do are not working out well.
Here were the changes I had for the drawing board
I wanted Machaka spiders to be very effective vs. SC's. To this end I wanted a paralyzation effect ala petrify on the spit nets and stingers.
I loved the carcator effect in combat, yet I wanted to give a research bonus greater than +2. I wanted the cost to be 5F/5N - fire and nature to dry the heads and yet retain sentience. But the carcator curse spitting ... didn't fit.
I wanted to add some kind of gate ability, as well as a reaper ability to the assassins.
Unfortunately, I'm only a middling modder at best. When I teleport the assassin - he fights the province - he doesn't stealth there.
Giving machaka sauromatia's poison arrows makes a great deal of thematic sense. You already have jungles, poison all over the place, and a familiarity with death and nature magic.
Barring any of these, perhaps just giving machaka a national version of flaming arrows at one level lower in the research tree? But this really feels like a kludge
I also like the idea of working in ai totemic spirits
The spelled caleld something like Spirit Guide.
Mechanic - the wizard casts the spell is replaced with a form of himself with slightly different attributes.
For example: Raven totem - +4rp (wisdom)
Bear totem: double hp, berserk +2
Spider totem: Gains spit weapon, web, brachiationi
Frog totm: Gains ampibious, poison spit
Bat totam: Gains stealthy, domsummon bat
And or it would be nice if there were an onebattle spell for him ...
On an unrelated note:
Anyway to give light lances the ability for the wielder to counter darkness?
Last edited by chrispedersen; September 17th, 2009 at 10:37 AM..