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Old September 17th, 2009, 09:04 AM
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Default Re: Asia Twist - Wraithlord Wins!

Originally Posted by WraithLord View Post
@DonC, I like you new avatar

Now while I can surely sympathize with Archae's feelings I think the following facts need to be taken into considerations:
A. My military prowess far outclassed his. I have taken a look at his last turns and he had nothing even remotely close to what I had. I won't go into boring details. Anyone who wants to verify that is more than welcome as I can send both his and my turns.
This is not the case according to independent analysis by other vets. Also, quite irrelevant, though telling that you want to assert this. It is amusing to see you assert this counterfactual now.

B. I had, as of last turn, an 8th VP breached (one more than victory condition required) with nothing that Van or Caelum could throw at me that could prevent its falling to me.
You had already broken the walls twice and not taken it. I certainly could have stopped you. Also, you got two of your VP's from Aristander, not one.

C. Van has been keeping quiet about the huge stockpiles of gems he received. I got nothing even remotely close from my allies. He got, and this is just from the little I glimpsed in the few random turns I got, a staggering amount of 1366 gems!!! Enough to cast GoH and another global I don't recall it's name. Of course he also get items in addition. Now, as he likes to phrase it, is this not "throwing" the game?- What did I do so wrong to be hated so much(in the game) that the other nations would give all they have in order for Van to win???
my allies were sending me gems in order to help prevent your win, yes. That is common practice, as opposed to throwing your vps, which I have never seen in a vet game of Dominions. Ever. It is clearly not throwing the game as I had not won, and it would have been a hard fight. If Pangaia had vacated his two vps, and cast crumble on his castles while I teleported in w/ a couple units in a concerted action, then you could say that he was trying to throw the game.

The gems functioned to balance out my heavy losses in protecting caelum's vps and support the war.

I ask w/a honesty, how is that so different from what Arist. did?- He couldn't help by sending huge stockpiles of gems so he chose to burn ground and make a sacrifice for his (in-game) friend to win against, what I only now realize, what was an alliance of powerful gem rich nations.

Even with all those gems my all game long advantage was too big for Archae. to close the gap. He lost the game to a superior nation.
No I did not. What is the point of making these counterfactual assertions? If you had wished you could have demonstrated your power through the normal means of doing so. You clearly were adverse to taking that route, the one of actual conflict and resolution.

I won the game after months of hard work and dedication and although I can relate to Archae's frustration I think he needs to just accept the fact that he lost and move over. I went through all the motions and tedious, meticulous and hard work that a player must go in order to get far in a dominions game - and I won at the end. It's extremely negative to go around disputing that after you lost.
I can accept the fact that collaborating in having a game thrown is acceptable to you.

Now, I understand that after Balbarian's official warning, you are likely trying to get me banned through incitement. So be it. I will respond clearly to any innaccurate claims made by you, while endeavouring to remain within the official forum guidelines.

Last edited by archaeolept; September 17th, 2009 at 09:17 AM..
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