Originally Posted by Burnsaber
Originally Posted by Virenerus
here are some (I hope) more advanced modding questions:
1. Is there a possibility to edit the dominion files? Like changing the icons of the gems or some strings. EDIT: ok, i found that the strings are hard coded into the dom3.exe and they are easily editable but how can I access the images?
Sorry, don't know the anwser for this one.
Originally Posted by Virenerus
2. How can I set prophet versions of my units? Some Dom3 units change their sprite if they become the prophet.
There is a way to do this. Let's you want to make a unit X with propethform Y and there is a vanilla unit A with propethform B.
You use the #selectmonster command to overwrite vanilla unit A into X. Then you just use the same trick to make B into Y. After that, make a completely new monster that copies the orginal monster A and give it to the appropiate vanilla nation with mod commands.
This will mean that the vanilla monster will lose its propethform, but some of the vanilla forms are pretty rebundant (like the one the Abyssian Warlord gets). This is the only way I know of to make a unit with propethform.
Burn, instead of selecting a monster to overwrite, why couldn't you just copy it? Therefore you wouldn't be screwing with the vanilla monster?