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Old September 17th, 2009, 10:47 AM
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Default Re: Asia Twist - Wraithlord Wins!

Exec: I wouldn't say I was cheated from a win, but it was a huge and fascinating end-game situation, the result of hundreds of hours of play. Is this the way you would want similar games to end in the future? I would say "cheap" not "cheat", if pressed.

Of course I didn't take this silently... that is not my way

Then I have been accused of lies and slander as part of some obfuscatory tactics. I don't believe anything I have said about the facts of the situation is wrong, though it is quite understandable that some people might not like my manner of presentation.

There is not, however, I think a really good manner to have presented our disagreement.

Anyways, I'm under official warning as to how to talk about this, so I find it difficult to put my opinions more precisely. I think a thread on the issue in general could be interesting and productive, though it would probably have to try and be careful talking about any of the specifics of this case.

I've lost enough games - sometimes things get heated, but I've never felt the other wins were illegitimate in some way. Other than my many games losing to Norfleet, that is.
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