Originally Posted by Calchet
I admire your effort, and with luck, this'll spur me into finally finishing up my Chaos Dwarfs to give them something to bear a grudge against...
Can't wait to see them. As for the Grudge Bearing, I don't think that it's that necessary. Dwarfs have a long list grudges basically against anything that is able to move. I'm pretty sure that there are a few lines about Squirrels stealing picnic foodstuffs in the Book of Grudges.
*shakes fist*
Our meals will be avenged!
Originally Posted by Calchet
1. Dwarfs. Not dwarves, or you're likely to eat the wrong end of an axe.
Right, this was one of the few cases where being gramatically correct spells "D-O-O-M", my bad.
Originally Posted by Calchet
2. Looking at the preliminary graphic, remember that warhammer dwarfs are *very* stout. I'd suggest more width, and perhaps a more splendid beard. (Even regular warriors have some pride!)
Remember that most units will be shielded, it adds bulkiness. And because the dwarf graphics are somewhat smaller and have similiar color schemes, I need to save up my tricks on how I can make them look different from one another. The Higher tier units (longbeards, slayers, breakers, hammers, rune guards) will be beefier. As for the beard, it's a bit trickier than it looks - I'm still experimenting with it.
Originally Posted by Calchet
3. Dwarf Rangers are marked more by their large weapons than crossbows, from the codex I have access to, and are probably more likely to use throwing axes as secondary armament - having them do so will add some variety to your projectile lineup.
I know of the throwing axe, I'm keeping it as "ace in the sleeve", so to speak. If the playtesting shows that two troops are a bit too similiar, I can give the other throwing axes to compensate, since basically almost any unit expect Hammers and breakers could thematically have it.
Originally Posted by Calchet
4. "Crossbow" should obviously be "Quarreler".
Seriously? I don't recall such of an term in the army book. It sounds really lame. Remember that there is nothing comical about dwarves.
Originally Posted by Calchet
5. Slayers are skilled with all kinds of axes - not swords. I'd suggest two axes, or possibly a greatweapon.
True. Fixed
Originally Posted by Calchet
6. Thunderers are awesome, but I can see why you'd avoid them - that said, it feels a bit odd to have steam-powered gyrocopters and such, and not guns.
The gyrocopters and the like are there to give diversity to the unit-lineup (explained by rune magic), whereas Thunderers are just hard hitting ranged units (like crossbows). I'm still on the fence if I'll add a "dwarf arbalest" unit to 'compensate'. or should that be "arbalesterer"? :P
Originally Posted by Calchet
7. A 'Grudgestone' evocation that tosses a boulder might be a good replacement for the grudge thrower war machines...
True. Dwarfs should be pretty good at stoning their enemies.
Originally Posted by Calchet
8. Slayers don't really lead troops except for other slayers, so I'd push the Dragon Slayer down to poor leadership.
Just 10 is seriously sucky thought. I'll first see how badass the Slayers become, if they are a considerable force with just 10 guys, then I might lower it.