Originally Posted by Foodstamp
Originally Posted by Edi
This often translates into people mistakenly ascribing me veteran status as a Dom3 multiplayer, when I actually have all of one MP game under my belt and would get crushed flat in no time even by people who only have a few games under their belt.
If we're talking strictly MP games, some of the names mentioned above and even posting in this thread are a good start but by no means an exhaustive list.
That's pretty interesting considering your near inflammatory stance on the use of Mists of Deception in multiplayer games. 
Well, there is that.
With some things you don't need to have the experience in order to be able to see the implications, especially if you're familiar with many of the mechanics of the game. That one had such obvious implications that I had no problem taking a firm position on it, just based on how I would have felt about either using it myself or having it used against me in a hypothetical situation.
Some other issues have allowed me to form an opinion on a similar basis. I do read MP related posts (such as Baalz guides, which are geared toward that), but my actual practical MP experience is just that one game.