Thread: Balance Machaka
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Old September 18th, 2009, 05:23 AM

rtyffg rtyffg is offline
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Default Re: Balance Machaka

Originally Posted by chrispedersen View Post
I also like the idea of zombie dust....
Oooh: a lot:
A reasonably low level, AoE spell that turns troops to soulless.
Follow up with a control undead.....
Something like AoE 10 life after death on enemy with decay as secondeffect?

Originally Posted by kianduatha View Post
What I really want to see is a Fetish summon--sort of like a Telestic Animate, only with witch doctor paths and a bonus Fever Curse like the Lord of Summer Plague. Make it so that people can take out your province defense...but half their troops'll get diseased in the process.
Tried to test - maybe it is wicked enough even without magic(especially as a pd 10 commander)?
#newweapon 900
#name "Fever Needle"
#ammo 20
#att 5
#flyspr 403
#range 40
#nratt 2
#secondaryeffect 143

#newweapon 901
#name "Poison Needle"
#ammo 20
#att 5
#flyspr 403
#range 40
#nratt 2
#secondaryeffect 50

#newweapon 902
#name "Weakening Needle"
#ammo 20
#att 5
#flyspr 403
#range 40
#nratt 2
#secondaryeffect 306

#newmonster 2901
#copystats 473
#copyspr 473
#name "Fear Ward"
#descr "Frightens and weakens enemy"
#fear 0
#hp 1
#weapon 900
#weapon 901
#weapon 902

#name "Place Ward"
#fatiguecost 100
#nreff 1
#effect 10001
#damage 2901
#school 3
#researchlevel 0
#path 0 0
#path 1 6
#pathlevel 0 1
#pathlevel 1 1
#restricted 35
#descr "The caster makes essence of fears in the province to form a statue. Gathered power brings a statue to life and causes it frighten and plague enemies."

#name "Send Wards"
#fatiguecost 100
#nreff 5
#effect 10037
#damage 2901
#school 3
#researchlevel 0
#path 0 0
#path 1 6
#pathlevel 0 1
#pathlevel 1 1
#restricted 35
#descr "The caster makes essence of fears in a distant province to form a statue. Gathered power brings a statue to life and causes it frighten and plague enemies."
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