Re: Warhammer Dwarfs, discussion/hype thread
Looking at the 7th book, there are multiple Anvils of Doom, belonging to different clans - so, while each throng can field one and only one, either attached to a normal Runelord or included with Thorek Ironbrow of Karak Azal, they are not actually unique as such.
There are even described three different varieties of Anvil of Doom, though they function no differently in mechanical terms:
- Anvil of Doom dedicated to Grimnir, emphasising fury
- Anvil of Doom dedicated to Grungni, emphasising effort
- Anvil of Doom dedicated to Valaya, emphasising loyalty
The possible effects from striking these Anvils, are:
- Rune of Wrath and Ruin - Damages and slows an enemy unit, and prevents it from flying, with an Ancient Power roll dealing additional damage. (Earthmeld + area-of-effect Damage? Perhaps even toss in a Storm?)
- Rune of Hearth and Hold - All friendy Dwarf units may reroll failed Fear or Terror tests until your next shooting phase, with an Ancient Power roll instead granting immunity. (Fanaticism + something?)
- Rune of Oath and Honor - Allows one friendly Dwarf unit (other than gyrocopters) to make a move in the shooting phase, with an Ancient Power roll instead letting 1d3 units do so. (Area-of -effect Quickness with lowish precision?)
Involved in:
Pax Malazica, bringing the Malazan Empire to Dominions 3.
Fate/Sprite Works, a mod including my left-over practice sprites as summonable units.