Thread: Balance Machaka
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Old September 18th, 2009, 02:15 PM

chrispedersen chrispedersen is offline
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Default Re: Balance Machaka

I was thinking more of a AoE polymorph effect., but your idea is intrigueing as well...I generally find decay is too slow to be effective on the battle field - but otherwise I love the idea of the horror of gradually ... dieing. I think it merits testing.

I am very impressed with the speed you are actually writing these thing R...

would you like to join me as a contributing author on the Balance series?

As for mapmove 3 spiders, I would like to see a few changes:

I am all in favor of map move 3.

I don't agree with the high resource cost *at all*. I think its a poor game balance mechanic. I would like to see the cost of spiders reduced. To do that, however, I think we do have to chance the spiders, somewhat.

here are some ideas for comment:

1. I like the idea that spiders can strike from ambush. Either give them
a). A howl equivalent onbattle spell that summons spiders from the periphery.
b). Rebuild them on the eagle warriors template; allow them to selfbless, which would allow them to 'fly'.
c). Give the spiders an on battle 'blink'. However, since this would make them generally *very* easily mauled you would have to give them an area effect entangle arround them...something like an area effect web cast,or an area effect entangle - perhaps equip them with vineshields.

2. I think spiders should be fearsome weapons - with glass jaws - so I really don't like the second shape. Could be a good way to balance costs.
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