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Old September 18th, 2009, 07:38 PM
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Default Re: A Discussion on kingmaking and community standards.

Originally Posted by Micah View Post
I think all of this reductionism is a bit much. Dominions is a very open-ended game, and there is a lot of gray area, especially when you throw diplomacy into the mix. I feel that most actions really need to be considered IN CONTEXT, as opposed to in absolute terms.

Several examples follow, I'd like to hear how my personal feelings on what is and is not appropriate match up with the opinions of other people, feel free to comment/object to them.

Scorched earth: Always alright to try and swing the current conflict/survive. Alright as a response to broken diplomatic agreements (NAP violations and the like) just to get revenge on the attacker. Alright in a grossly unfair conflict (e.g. 5 on 1 ganging). Not alright in other circumstances.

Gem/item gifting: Generally alright in any circumstance if not prohibited by house rules. This makes sense because any gems that are given away can't be used to defeat the attacker, meaning that their war is made easier, even if it makes a later war more difficult.

Allowing another player to take territory you control: Always alright if it represents a strategic advantage for the player, such as getting something in trade or opening up a route for an allied attack. Alright in small quantities when the defense of the territory needs to be abandoned to defend elsewhere and its capture is imminent. Not alright to just hand an ally your provinces because you're tired of playing.

Handing over VPs: Very rarely acceptable, though a few situations exist. A trade involving a VP that did not end the game would be acceptable. Prioritizing the defense of one VP over another if multiple VPs are being attacked is obviously alright. Abandoning a VP in the face of overwhelming odds is also legitimate when it does not end the game to do so. Simply giving away a VP to an ally is unacceptable. Obviously some judgment calls are required here, and 1 gold for a VP is not an acceptable "trade." I hope that players can be reasonable on the matter though.

Just my thoughts on the matter.

My (current) philosophy:

Every nation has a responsibility to try to win. When victory is not possible, every nation has a responsibility to hold out as long as possible against invaders. Each nation should defend itself as best it can.

Scorched earth:

Do not like: pillaging your provinces down to pop 0 and destroying your capitol etc, because of some disagreement over a NAP/agreement. It's spiteful, not fun, and the disagreement quite possibly may have arisen out of some misunderstanding of the NAP/agreement. And more importantly, it hurts the long-term survival of your nation.

Acceptable: Taxing provinces you think you will lose, at 200%. You need the money! Razing a lab or fort if it will be captured by your opponent and used against you, and you are unlikely to be able to recapture it soon.

Do not like: Razing the lab in your capitol (or last fort, if your last fort is not your capitol). Once you are dead, there is nothing left to defend.

Gem/item gifting:

Do not like: quitting the game because you are bored or your girlfriend is nagging you about playing too much dominions, and sending your gems to some nation you happened to have a NAP with. I've sent gems back in this case.

Do not like: not using your gems in defense of your nation, and then giving them away to a friend.

Acceptable: sending a crapload of gems to someone to dispel or overwrite a global of someone you are at war with.

Acceptable: giving loot to your conqueror, assuming that you don't screw up and think you are dead before actually are, or fail to see some way you could have used those gems to survive longer.

Acceptable: giving loot to an ally in thanks for their support (but if they are such a good ally, why are you dead? ) I think I prefer the above option, but I will not return gems sent to me for this reason.

Allowing another player to take territory you control:
Handing over VPs:

What Micah said.

Posting info about the game revealing sites or your opponent's strengths or weaknesses, after you are dead:

Do not like. You are dead! How is your nation communicating this information? Okay, I suppose there are refugees or stragglers or something. But it seems like it could be done just out of spite in some cases.


Do not like: Alliances with terms like "allied until there are only 6 or 4 or 2 nations remaining." Alliances like this need to be treated like a single nations with all the resources of the alliance. And probably ganked.


Do not like: Ganging up > 2 to 1 on an equal-strength nation. This is just my personal preference though, I don't really expect others to play like this.

Acceptable: Complete ganging up of all nations against someone who is running away with the game or in a position to win. I will whine and moan about it if that's me though.

My thoughts on RP:

This doesn't mean you should do stupid stuff. Or that, for example, MA Marignon should necessarily avoid summoning tartarians or something like that. But put yourself in the skin of your nation. Do you want to be wiped out? No! So defend yourself.

Vassals/Forge B*tches:

Acceptable: If you are doing it temporarily while you research up some awesome tech that you really need in order to overthrow your evil oppressor. Preferably in some intended-to-be-devastating sneak attack.

Do not like: Using this as a permanent survival strategy. This does not qualify as "holding out against invaders". This qualifies as selling your soul.


Acceptable: Attacking before the term on your NAP is up, casting damaging rituals while the NAP is up, is acceptable if it is necessary for the survival of your nation (or ultimate victory, if that's in the cards).

Acceptable: Complaining about getting attacked when a NAP was in force. I prefer this is done in the context of the game: nations, not players.

Not acceptable: Complaining about getting attacked when a NAP was in force, when actually there was no NAP ever discussed, even if it's in character. Even I have limits to my treacherous behaviour. If this is explicitly allowed in the game OP rules, then it is acceptable.


Really really do not like: Gem/item gifts or alliances because another player is a friend IRL or on the forums. Attacking a nation because of a personal issue with the player of that nation.


Do not like: filling up the lab.

I realize that not everyone feels the same way I do about these issues. It's probably a good idea to define what's acceptable in each game OP.
Whether he submitted the post, or whether he did not, made no difference. The Thought Police would get him just the same. He had committed— would still have committed, even if he had never set pen to paper— the essential crime that contained all others in itself. Thoughtcrime, they called it. Thoughtcrime was not a thing that could be concealed forever.
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