Originally Posted by chrispedersen
As for mapmove 3 spiders, I would like to see a few changes:
I am all in favor of map move 3.
Far moving spiders seem a little strange to me, at least if combined with ambushing.
Originally Posted by chrispedersen
1. I like the idea that spiders can strike from ambush. Either give them
a). A howl equivalent onbattle spell that summons spiders from the periphery.
a) Maybe summon of lesser variation of spiders then (with poison, but no webs)?
Originally Posted by chrispedersen
2. I think spiders should be fearsome weapons - with glass jaws - so I really don't like the second shape. Could be a good way to balance costs.
Sombre did mentioned the idea of regroving rider back in cbm thread - why not do that way, for hunter spiders since they seem to more sacred, then people now? And make an ordinary spider riders no second shape then (as spiders just run away).