Originally Posted by chrispedersen
Trogs are *not* cold blooded. (your first point). Emphasize them in cold terrains.
Yes thats right, good point. However I don´t find the trogs very competetive on their own. I think that in general you´ll want to use dom pushing or summons if you have to go into cold dominion.
A blood blessing increases the strength of your boulder throwers, and hence the range.
Oh yes, I beleive you even thanked me for that idea in the CBM thread.

I was playing around a lot with nature and blood, but after extensive testing I came to the conclution that extra range don´t make much difference, that cavern guards beat Ancient ones in the long run even given nature and blood and that those paths are not what the nation needs, especially without blood stones. One thing I ralised is that you´ll have lots of earth gems anyway, more than enough to pull the stuff in this this guide off usually.
I think, more than any other nation, that your choice of pretender is dependent on starting position. Adjacent or near to water, or a map with a lot of water consider an olm. Otherwise I agree with a forge lord.
Ahem... Your *whole nation* are fully amphibious, getting into water is no problem at all. Would you really sacrifice the hammers, mentors, rings and golems to get... what? Nature searching for forts can easily be done by giving breath rings or shambler skins to indy shamans. Water you have on your oracles.
Earth meld (alt2) lets your troops *hit*.
I mentioned it I beleive. But yeah, thats right.
Also, you have not justified your pd 25 all over. I do agree with High PD (tho not all over) but no justification is given for it.
It is justified many times over when you drop mechanical militia as described in the section "Gear four", try it.
Still, a good job, and a good guide. Lots of points that others have missed - bolas, medallions.
Thanks for that, but I feel you are missing my point a bit (no offense) The bolas and medallions are minor details, the core of this strategy is to build your armies a certain way to circumvent low attack values, create the foundation for outstanding research without getting dry on gems, launch a solid defence system and finally to multiply your strenght through darkness and heavy buffs.