Originally Posted by Foodstamp
I disagree with this a little. I think the population killing goes a long way to helping turtle. The argument can be made that bags of wine and cauldrons of broth take care of that but not every nation gets access to those out of the box, and often not right away. Also, it is very easy for LA Ermor to get into the water, taking advantage of the suggested water turtling.
I guess a lot depends on how you define turtling. To me, a turtling nation isn't just one that nobody fancies attacking, and hence are more likely to be left alone to turtle. Such as EA Abysia, MA C'tis, LA Ermor. The act of turtling, or a turtling nation, is one that can get stronger if left along quietly to research/fort/forge/summon etc. At least that's my definition of turtling.
To me you should only really turtle if it is of benefit to your nation, and you shouldn't turtle just because you want to turtle. The game can change too rapidly for that, and anyone caught sticking rigidly to one plan or idea very often misses out on good opportunities. Quite often though turtling is a very valid and entirely correct option, especially if you are waiting for a lucrative opening or if two neighbours are engaged in a mutually destructive war, allowing you to go in and clean them both up once you've turtled enough.
I never said LA Ermor couldn't turtle, but I just don't see any way LA Ermor gets stronger by sitting at home doing nothing but researching at a terrible rate, watching their income disappearing to zero, and leaving their undead hordes waiting around for battle. IMO if LA Ermor turtles, then they get weaker compared to all other nations in the game. So while you can turtle with LA Ermor, it just seems a totally illogical thing to do for me.
But good luck to any LA Ermor turtles who might be out there