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Old September 22nd, 2009, 10:02 AM

Calchet Calchet is offline
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Default Re: Warhammer Highelves: Speculation and hype

Were I to design the nation, I'd likely land somewhere around the following mage setup.

Recruitable Anywhere:

Mage: S1 ?1(100%, From all paths except Blood.) ?1 (100%, From all paths except blood, astral and death)

Dragon Mage: F2 ?1 (100%, F or S)

Capital Only:
Archmage: S3 2x?1 (100%, From all paths except Blood.) ?1 (100%, From all paths except blood, astral and death)

Mages are basic good mages and researches, able to work in communions, and likely having access to one or two national spells.

Dragon Mages are battlefield artillery, with half of them being F3, and the other half able to participate in communions and cast Flames of the Phoenix.

Archmages are the heavy-duty spellcasters, possible to get as much as S5, but they'd more commonly be S3 A1 E1 D1 or somesuch, giving them great spread but poor focus.

National Spells:
Shield of Saphery, S1A1: Protects a small number of units from arrows, size scales with astral.
Curse of Arrow Attraction, S1D1: Increases the precision of a small number of units, size scales with astral. (By making their intended targets attract arrows.)
Courage of Aenarion, S1N1: Increases the morale of a small number of units, size scales with astral.
Fury of Khaine, S1W1: Armor-piercing frozen bolts, number scales with Astral.
Flames of the Phoenix, S1F1: Creates a damaging cloud of fire at long range, size scales with Astral.
Vaul's Unmaking, S1E1: Breaks the armor of a small number of enemy units, size scales with Astral.
Involved in:
Pax Malazica, bringing the Malazan Empire to Dominions 3.
Fate/Sprite Works, a mod including my left-over practice sprites as summonable units.
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