Okay about the graphics, finally found the dimensions to give them enough detail and make them small enough. I just decided to make them 1 pixeld wider for each pixel I took away from lenght. This allowed me to have some area for details while making them smaller. Gorge your eyes on this:
1. Clansdwarf Crossbow
2. Clansdwarf Heavy Crossbow
3. Clansdwarf Warrior
4. Longbeard
5. Indy commander for size comparison (size 2)
6. Old dwarf sprite for comparison
7. New Clansdwarf Heavy Warrior
8. Bakemono goblin for size comparison.(size 1)
I also bought the 7th edition army book for just this project (since there is no dwarf sourcebook in WRFP). It's quite a lot of awesome, I must admit. I'm currently pondering on ways to include Oathstones.
Originally Posted by Calchet
If you don't mind, I think I could pull off a pretty good tabletop dwarf or seven you could work from - I'm thinking something like the attached mockup sprite, though larger. (That one was mostly to see how small I could get it and still have it look dwarfish.)
(That said, it's as previously mentioned still your mod, and you're free to interpret dwarfs as you please - I might make an alternate set of graphics for my own personal use if I ever get around to it, though.)
Thanks for the spirte, but I'll manage. And yeah, my dwarfs will be a bit different from the WH ones, since WH dwarfs have fallen a bit too deep to the "comical" look I despise with their oversized beards and weaponry (in some cases).
Originally Posted by Swan
i support the Dwarrow unit.
MAybe for inspiration you should look warcraft mountain king, they got an avatar ability( avatar= incarnation of a god, right?)as warcraft is partly( a lot) inspired on warhammer.
Vote yes on proposal n°Dwarrow
There will be no dwarrow unit. I just liked the sound of the term. It's just a fluff term I'll use to describe the ancestral dwarf race who built the foundations of dwarf society. This way I won't have to repeat "ancestor" all over and over.
The closest thing to a dwarrow unit in this mod will be perhaps the three custom pretenders modeled after Grimnir, Grugni and Valaya.