Re: Master of Magic Mod
A MoM mod would rock!
I would create the MOM nations and units, but balance them like other dom3 nations, i think that in general magic in MoM isn´t more powerful than in dominions.
I don´t see why the pretender wizards should start with so high paths. In mom your chose your magic paths in relation to some other advantages just like in dom. So just make them new slightly expensive rainbows with some cool abilities. Artificer=forge bonus etc...
Units like warlocks and magicians shouldn´t be mages IMO, make them regular troops with new ranged attacks. That would be more in line with MoM design. Then add some new corresponding mages like Elder warlock, High magician etc with appropriate paths.
Nations with no "mage" troops could have their national mages be more like craftsmen with magic abilities. Engineers, smiths, etc...Earth and fire, water for lizardmen...
Would it be possible to make a spell that summons a random hero? All nations could get it and then you just add all the MOM heroes as unique summons to that random pool.
Voice of ***** and her spicy crew!