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Old September 24th, 2009, 01:37 AM
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Default Re: Warhammer Dwarfs, discussion/hype thread

Originally Posted by Calchet View Post
(To offer some sort of constructive critique, I'd suggest lengthening their armour if you want a more tabletop feel to them - dwarf armour usually include metal skirts of sorts that protect the legs and expose only the feet.)
Yeah, I know, I have 7th edition army book now. I'm sort of saving up on the effect of the skirt armor. I'm still not sure if I can make the elites different enough from the basic troops, so I'm being conservative with my tricks (for now). If I manage to make the elites look different without giving the long armour just for them, I'll add it to the basic troops.

Originally Posted by Sombre View Post
I'd still give them an extra pixel or two on the axes.
This is one thing where I really don't like the GW dwarf miniatures. Some of the weapons are clearly oversized. I know that dwarfs are strong and so forth, but when the blade of your axe is as big as your shield, you are doing something wrong. It's a lot like the clearly oversized beards on the Longbeard miniatures. How can they fight without tripping on those things?

I had them pretty big at one point, but it just looked ridicilious. Like they'd be compensating for something.

On other news, I updated the first post. I decided to include the Dwarf Arbalest unit I was thinking of, since I needed a secondary missile unit for the PD>20. I also scrapped the "Lord" commander, this nation doesn't really need two different national commanders, it will just remove recruitment screen clutter if I make the Thane single, but great commander. This will also make adding the Oathstones* easier.

*Basically, the Thane and King can enter combat on "oathstone mode", which will render them immobile for the battle, but boost their stats and give them ridicilous standard.
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