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Old September 24th, 2009, 11:02 PM

rdonj rdonj is offline
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Default Re: Overlords - Game Thread. (Awaiting map creation)

Map and mod files attached! I think I have all the bugs worked out... except one. Baalz, I'm sorry but for whatever inane reason, I was unable to give you your final province. So instead I gave you two magic sites in one of them to make up for the missing income. You will just have to take your 10th province and pretend it never happened.

I am putting the game up on the llamaserver now. It shouldn't take me too long.

I did have one error starting the game up one time. Abysia and another nation started at the same starting province, again I have no idea why. Anyway, this only happened once and I was able to create the game properly with none of the nations starting on top of each other. So again, some kind of weird bug that I completely fail to understand. If anyone could tell me why they occurred, well, I probably won't change the map at this point but it would be nice to know.

Overlords: Your gem incomes may be slightly different at the beginning of the game. While I'm pretty sure all of you have the same base income, occasionally an overlord gets lucky and gets extra visible sites along with the known sites I'm giving you. ALL overlords get the same income from the pre-placed sites. So any gem discrepancies are from those extra sites popping up.

Edit: The game is now up. Please send in your pretenders as soon as possible. This game has been sitting for quite a while already. I apologize for the delay, but now everything should be ready, and you can all get on with your game.

Please remember, the mod I've added to the .zip and .rar files is the ONLY mod that should be enabled when you create your pretender. It is more or less a compilation mod of CBM 1.6 and non-unique gatestones. So nothing else is necessary.
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Last edited by rdonj; September 24th, 2009 at 11:23 PM..
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