Thread: Mod Agartha summons
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Old September 25th, 2009, 07:22 AM
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Default Agartha summons

I'm unable to focus too long on something, so i'm taking a break from my herd, but i have to do something in the mean so i thought to expand Agartha summoning possibilities, but need ideas.
I was thinking on something on this line:

-Something flying (a bat or you have better ideas?)
-Nation only version of monster fish(eel-like)
-Some kind of spider
-A worm/snake
-The thing locked by the seal

Have idea? post
have pic? post

Tonight or tomorrow morning i shoul have finished the first image.

Edit mod info
V 0.2
-3 new weapon.
-3 new armor.
- recolored spider.
- killer moss.
- the pretty well done snakefish.
V 0.3
-fixed constructiom items.
V 0.4
-new assasination spell
-corrected manawyrm enc, now is 300.

V 0.5
-pantzerkrab and Cilosyb finished
-wrong manawyrm sprite, i'll fix it later
-need playtest

V 1.0
-added a farsummon for the mushroom(N3/A1;conjuration 6; 15 gem; 3+ independent summon)
- 8 new spells; all require H4 X3; 0 research
F)Seal o' magma: stronger version of strange light[anti demon spell]
A)Seal o' haze: bigger, cheaper version of sulphur haze[damage+poison cloud]
W)Seal o' lakes: a gemless version of acid storm [anti-armor spell]
E)Seal o' land: a cheaper version of acashic record [full lvl9 magic search in province]
S)Seal o' crystals: a cheaper version of raging hearts [harassing ritual spell]
D)Seal o' rest: a stronger version of wither bones [anti-undead spell]
N)Seal o' wild: a cheaper version of animal horde [multi-animal summon]
B)Seal o' dark blood: summon an endless(...20 tbh) pack of bats [battle summon]
Attached Files
File Type: rar agartha summon.rar (157.6 KB, 327 views)

Last edited by Swan; November 25th, 2009 at 06:00 PM..
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