Thread: Mod Agartha summons
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Old September 25th, 2009, 01:01 PM
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Stavis_L Stavis_L is offline
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Wink Re: Agartha summons

Long, long ago, a powerful Agarthan oracle had a vision regarding the caverns of the Agarthan homeland. In the vision, the caverns were entirely overrun by hideous creatures with horribly smooth yet oddly dry skin bristling with odd tufts of hair, *two* eyes, stunted growth, and a total inability to breathe in the sacred birthing pools. When a small tribe of these creatures wandered into the mouth of their capitol's cavern one day, this oracle caused the entire tribe to be sealed away behind a mystic door, and all memory of the creatures, save for the overwhelming sense of dread at what lay behind the door, to be erased from the minds of the Agarthans. The effort to permanently seal the mystic door was immense, and required the sacrifice of countless gallons of ritually spilled Agarthan blood; even then, the mystic rituals continued to suck the vitality of those who remained, even unto the current day...
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