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Old September 26th, 2009, 03:47 AM
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Default Re: Sign of the Hammer - A Warhammer Mod Game. Send Pretenders!

Game started! The first turn will host at 50 hours and the ones after that in 26h.

Here's my in-game action report, which will follow the adventures of my prophet, Gutbelcher. I'm too familiar with Ogre lore (I'm not sure if they're actually illeterate or not) so please forgive me any inconsisties.

Originally Posted by Quote from the book 'Chronicles of Might: The Devouring of the World'
Hello there fellow literate slave, you have been likely ordered to read these chronicles out loud for some smelly Ogrelings. Remember this: whatever you do, don't read the parts closed with "(" and ")", they are for my notes, which I had to scribe in order to stay sane. I can only hope that they will shed some light into how this world became one of gluttony and gore.

(My name Rulf Dambach and a long time ago, I was a engineering student in Nuln. That seems so long ago. Me and some of my university friends got caught by Ogre slavers, and my life hasn't been the same since. The Ogres are famous for their illiteracy and I've been acting as a mundane scribe slave for over 10 years now, reading and writing for them when it is necessary. It's pretty bad, but not as bad as what happened to my engineering friends, may Morr be merciful on their souls, for the Ogres showed none to their mortal bodies.)

(I have witnessed the rise of their awakening god, and I'm quite profoundly scared. He's the most frightening and powerful thing I have ever seen in my life, and do remember that I've been living with the Ogres for a decade. He, described and refered to simply "The One Who Crawled From the Pit", ordered me to write down the glorious deeds of his prophet so that following Ogre generations can have his deeds read for them (by other slaves, presumably) after the One Who Crawled From The Pit sits on the Throne of Thrones.)

(Gutbelcher, the Prophet of The One Who Crawled From The Pit, is one of the strongest Ogres of the realm and none can beat him in a eating contest. As for his name, it comes from his (very disturbing) habit of belching on his foes right after defeating them. These belches often contain unprocessed parts of his latest meal, or to be put on Ogre terms, "Guts". He's also developed the habit of doing this without any provocation on any passerbys, just for fun, I presume. (you won't believe the smell! The SMELL! It's simply profound!)).

(I've seen the might of the Ogres, and I despair, for I know who will win the Ascension Wars. I know what it mean for my race. Serve, either as an slave or an meal.)

(Just to clarify. just read the following to the ogres)

Gutbelcher strong and eats most! He devours all in the name of Pitcrawler amd grows even stronger! He will beat everything, with a fist to the face! (*sigh*, pause for laughter).

Ogres most strong! Eat well and fight a lot young ones and you will might be as strong as Gutbelcher one day!
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