Some Bretonnia things, and a bug:
1) Is it deliberate that the questing knight leader has leadership zero? It's really aggravating, being as he comes with troops and produces troops every turn. I always have to recruit a Bretonnian Lord just to tag along with him and bring his troops.
2) I'd like to request a minor sprite change to the questing knight commanders, so I can recognise them from their troops on the battlefield.
3) I don't understand why Virtue of the Quest is both harder to cast and to research than Errantry war. I mean basically, it's just Errantry War + free cloud trapeze, right? I can see maybe it is worth a little research to get the option of that convenience (though it is rather niche), but if I ever manage to get an S3 damsel the chances of me using her for that are almost zero. Short version: I suggest it should be S2. Or even S1.
Now the bug:
2) Errantry War and Virtue of the Quest produce Skaven.

I suggest we leave the mod for a while though, to give time for other things to crop up. They're not low level spells.