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Old September 27th, 2009, 04:49 AM
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Default Re: Bretonnia, Knights of the Grail v.0.83 -- Finally a stable release!

Originally Posted by llamabeast View Post
Can't tell you how much I'm enjoying this mod Burn. It's absolutely top stuff.
I'm very glad to hear that. You just wait for the Dwarfs. They will rock your socks to the next millenia.

Mind if I use this quote for advertisement purposes?

Here is some stuff from the Sing of the Hammer game thread, thought that it might be better to discuss these things here.

Originally Posted by llamabeast View Post
Some Bretonnia things, and a bug:

1) Is it deliberate that the questing knight leader has leadership zero? It's really aggravating, being as he comes with troops and produces troops every turn. I always have to recruit a Bretonnian Lord just to tag along with him and bring his troops.
Yeah, he's a bit unfinished at the moment. He was poorleader in 0.6 but it still proved a bit too good as a commander in the early game (basically you could build Knights and summons these to lead them, allowing for 100% maiden/damsel recruit rate in capitol). In retrospect, I should've just let them be as they were.

Originally Posted by llamabeast View Post
2) I'd like to request a minor sprite change to the questing knight commanders, so I can recognise them from their troops on the battlefield.
Well, this would be a consistency issue then. You see, I could give a different graphic to the Q.Knight commander you get from "Call of the Quest", but the commanders you get from "Errantry War" and "Virtue of the Quest" would be just a GoR'd basic Questing Kinght, which might raise some confusion.

Originally Posted by llamabeast View Post
3) I don't understand why Virtue of the Quest is both harder to cast and to research than Errantry war. I mean basically, it's just Errantry War + free cloud trapeze, right? I can see maybe it is worth a little research to get the option of that convenience (though it is rather niche), but if I ever manage to get an S3 damsel the chances of me using her for that are almost zero. Short version: I suggest it should be S2. Or even S1.
Hmm, quite true. I'm just trying make a nice and logical procression of the "Quest" spells, but I haven't made the top spell "Grail Crusade" (requiring S4!) at thaum 9. I'll probably boost the spell to summon some Grail Knights or a Grail Hero too in the next version. Grail Crusade will be like the "Virtue of the Quest", but also summon 100! Pilgrims.
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