Descriptions for all immobile pretenders say that they can possess willing targets for tasks such as forging and spellcasting; do these willing targets have to cut their hands off?

If not, why cant they use dwarven hammers?
This is not a balance suggestion; in my book, immortal pretenders are just fine at the moment. More of a flavour one: I'd just love to see Tenar and the Nameless Ones theme in Dominions (Ursula Le Guin classics).
Mechanically, it can be done by adding a special command to the immobile pretenders - possess. Afterwards, pretender loses all magical powers and Host is created: an immortal girl (blind in case of an Oracle) with the same magical paths, standard human slots and total inability to leave home province, not even by teleportation.
I doubt it can be done by modding, though, but ... maybe in future patches?

Or maybe not - just wanted to share an idea.