I don't think anyone was expecting what occurred with Executor and perhaps with Psi. Nothing can be done. But make sure your team has alternates, that is something you CAN do.
I am awaiting submission from Agema and Algae of their team's 12 nation ranked list chosen from among the 17 land nations still available. Agema need only post on our forum what our list will be, I'll need a PM from Algae though.
Once this is done, I will resolve and post the results. Team captains will then assign nations to their individual players and inform me of who is playing who. Then Gandalf can perform his wizardry, pretenders can be designed, the game can be created on llamaserver, and pretender uploads may begin.
I know it has been struggle, many of us are familiar with the time these things can take and I'm glad to see people taking it in stride. It looks like we are finally on our way though.
For the benefit of Agema and perhaps Algae, regarding the nation resolution process:
Be harmonious, enrich the soldiers, and scorn all other men.
-Emperor Septimius Severus, to his sons shortly before his death, quoted in Dio Cassius (77.15.2).