I'm waiting on a replacement disk, since I managed to lose my original disk.
I have other hobbies (e.g. tabletop miniatures gaming) where waiting for something always seems painfully interminable.
Now, don't get me wrong - I CAN'T WAIT for my disk to show up (tomorrow I think

) but in the meantime, I've been rediscovering one of the sheer pleasures of Dominions 3:
Sitting down with a cup of coffee and reading the manual for a few hours.
I really can't recall a manual that was such fun, so interesting, and so educational to read. If anyone ever read the game guide for Morrowind that was great too, and some of the manuals from waaaaay back were sort of like this. But everything from the writing style, to Bruce Geryk's tutorial, to the millions of ideas presented that hint at the millions of ideas you'll be having while you play and think about playing.
Seriously, if it's been a while - pick it up again. I read the whole thing when I first got the game, but I've learnt sooooooo much re-reading it.
Big round of applause to those who put it together - a job well done.