Originally Posted by Quote from the book 'Chronicles of Might: The Devouring of the World, Chapter II'
(I've decided to use this book as my journal too, since extra paper is hard to come by and the Ogres are too stupid to check if I'm writing the chronicles all the time. Summer has turned to fall and the Ogres keep on marching, I don't know if any mortal force is able to resist them. Gutbelcher just keeps on growing and growing, eating whenever he isn't either sleeping or fighting. He's also taken the habit of taking great amounts of enjoyment from tormenting me.)
(Whenever he isn't insisting on me taking down the exact measurements of his next meal, he's.. spitting on me. It started by accident when he justspilled (believe me, this is the correct verb) while devouring an ox. Seeing my great disgust made him, and all other ogres present laugh. Getting a smelly and slimy ball of ogre spit on my face was one of the worst experiences in my life and now it's a sort of running gag, that just won't stop. What in the name of Sigmar have I done to deserve this!)
(Gutbelcher is the worst, not only does he have the worst saliva, he has taken the habit of practicing, since I've managed to dodge some spits from him. Now, over the months, he has developed a simply miraculuos aim. He once got me all over the dining hall! I don't why he went to such extreme lenghts to develop his aim, it's not like Ogres use weapons that need aiming beyond pointing at the right direction.)
(Well, as long as I'm writing, I might as well write some Chronicle stuff too)
I recently followed Gutbelcher to battle, to take down his deeds on the field. This small province was guarded by a handful of archers and heavy spearmen. Ogres were suprised to find the opposing force lead by a Conjurer, a mage of dark arts. We had some mercenary crossbowmen on our side, who kept the spearmen on check. The opposing archers wasted their fire on a single ogre who was placed to the front as a bait, for Gutbelcher himself took a suprisingly cunning route over the edges of the battlefield.
Gutbelcher advanced over the field, squashing the skeletons animated by the mage with ease and felled a force commander of the opposing forces with a single blow. He then proceeded to grap his hand for snack. But the conjurer casted a spell, causing great cuts to appear on Gutbelcher, spilling his blood in great streams all over the ground. But he ignored the blood loss and devoured the mage, right there, on the field, with robes and everything!
He seemed suprisingly unfaded by the great loss blood, being more concerned for his left eye, which the spell had cutted open. Unfortunately the eye was unsalvageable. (Thank Sigmar! We'll see him aim with only one eye!). In anger, Gutbelcer *belched* a piece of the conjurers robe and place it over his eye as an improvised eyepatch. Then he swore to personally devour any mage who dared to try to affect him with a spell after this.