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Old October 2nd, 2009, 11:51 AM

Anthropos Anthropos is offline
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Default Re: Setsumi - LA game, upload pretenders!


As it was my empire that Man dismantled during those turns.
I would love a rollback so I could try an actual defense this time , not get my god killed etc etc.

In general, I have been very impressed by the sportsmanship of both Zeldor and Kuritza.
I am not so invested in the game, as I joined as a sub with 5 stale turns and suboptimal pretender/domain choice (from my opinion), so my goal was learning.

I vote as follows:

If kuritza and zeldor can both vote together on an option, I support that decision.
Else, end the game.

Thanks so much for teaching me my first online MP dom3 game.
It was a blast, just WAY too much time spent.

Please message me if you ever want another noob for a blitz, I prefer quick turns and rapid resolution. (Which is why I have been playing League of Legends lately ...)

Bye for now
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