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Old October 2nd, 2009, 06:49 PM
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Default Re: Babilu, Gateway of the Gods

Originally Posted by Swan View Post
I think he likes more workin'on mods than finishin' them
No, I like more playin' them than anything .

Working on them is fun though, and I like very BIG mods, so it just happens to take a long time to finish them, balance and rebalance them, and then refinish them (not that they'd be finished anyway, since I can't playtest.).

I put a lot of research into them, also, so what you see here is only about 1% of all the work and time I'm actually putting into each Mod. I'm basically giving myself degrees in ancient history, midieval history, and world mythology.

You also don't see nearly all the Mod Nations I've come up with. I've got atleast a dozen in the wings--each of which could be fully realized and posted, minus sprites, within a week to a month--that I don't have a good enough reason to show you, due to their not relating closely enough to my posted Nations.
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