Re: Warhammer Greenskin hype/brainstorming thread....
Though it pains me to say it, I think astral, weak fire, extremely weak death, and nature would probably be the best fits for waagh magic. I mean what better approximation of a brain busta can you get than a nether bolt. Berzerkers and a touch of madness can be a substitute for Waagh!. Starfires for the gazes, and mass luck for Gork'll Fix Us. Likewise anti-magic could fill the role of Mork Save Us!
A way to work around poor morale could be through a creation of a boss unit. A boss would be an expensive recruit everywhere elite with a weak standard ability, rather than serving as your generic commander. (Big Bosses and Warbosses should fill those rolls)
Goblin fanatics could be one battle only purchases with high berserk, built in fatigue, and an aoe two handed weapon.