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Old October 6th, 2009, 06:49 AM

Sombre Sombre is offline
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Default Re: Warhammer Greenskin hype/brainstorming thread....

Hmm. I've got a lot of this nation mapped out (into two nations in fact). No code or graphics, just thought about how I'd do it if I ever did.

Okin has done several of the graphics and presumably chunks of code too, if you want to use any of that it might be a good idea to contact him.

Regarding animosity: Ignore it. I don't think it should equate to a + or - to morale, because animosity doesn't map well to how morale works in dom3. Basically animosity means your guys will sit around doing nothing every now and then. If you wanted to represent that, I'd say give them lower AP - personally I wouldn't represent it at all.

Regarding fanatics: I found a pretty simply solution that worked well when I tested it. You have night goblins in single units with 4 guys in the graphic (as with gnoblars in ogre kingdoms). Ordinarily they just shapechange down, down, until they reach 1 gob, then they vanish. With the fanatic embedded variant (which you choose to build) - the last gob (so the fourth form) is a fanatic with a powerful aoe 3 attack, who is mindless. He'll blow himself and his friends up now and then, but mostly hit the enemy. He'll only appear and fight pretty damn randomly, since getting to 1 gob without the unit routing or him getting killed instantly isn't that common.

Greenskins have a huge variety of units, they truly do. That's why I proposed splitting them into two groups. One more badlandsy with the black orcs, night goblins from the mountains etc. One more feral with savage orcs, forest goblins etc. That way you can do stuff like assign river trolls to the feral ones, stone trolls to the mountains/badlands ones. You get enough space to do justice to the huge roster of units and avoid being overwhelmed trying to do it all in one mod.

Regarding magic: I thought roughly the same paths as witch doctors and machakan style shamans made sense personally. I wouldn't go with astral, even if the spells do map to some stuff in the army books, because you will presumably make new spells for those anyway. I figured lots of randoms for the NFD with generally somewhat poor research and weak magic overall. They certainly aren't known as a magical powerhouse. I would agree with burn's suggestion about making them always stronger in combat. I'd also give them all reinvig as standard.
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