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Old October 6th, 2009, 08:45 AM

Sombre Sombre is offline
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Default Re: Warhammer Greenskin hype/brainstorming thread....

Regular orcs should be max str of 12. It's hard to justify a strength 3 unit in warhammer being above that in dominions, in my opinion. As size becomes a factor, as it does with ogres, I'd say you can do a +1 per level or size or so, on top of what you reckon based on the actual strength stat. So ogres got 14/15.

But essentially you want to go with what works, rather than stick with hard and fast rules. It should match up sensibly with comparable dom3 units if possible, but more important is to match up with existing warhammer mod units.

I believe stats for an ordinary orc should be something along the lines of:

prot: 5
str: 11
att: 10
def: 9
hp: 14
mor: 10
ap: 10/12
mr: 9
gcost: 9

The 'choppa' could either be a regular falchion, which is high damage without stat bonus, or it could be something like dmg: 8 att: 0 def: -1
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