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Old October 6th, 2009, 09:40 AM

BandarLover BandarLover is offline
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Default Re: Warhammer Greenskin hype/brainstorming thread....

Originally Posted by HoneyBadger View Post
You can do a Deathshape for the night goblin, BandarLover, and also make it a Shapechange option, so that the night goblin doesn't *have* to be hidden in the weaker unit (some tactics might work better with the night goblin having an immediate presence on the battlefield.)
Originally Posted by Sombre View Post
Regarding fanatics: I found a pretty simply solution that worked well when I tested it. You have night goblins in single units with 4 guys in the graphic (as with gnoblars in ogre kingdoms). Ordinarily they just shapechange down, down, until they reach 1 gob, then they vanish. With the fanatic embedded variant (which you choose to build) - the last gob (so the fourth form) is a fanatic with a powerful aoe 3 attack, who is mindless. He'll blow himself and his friends up now and then, but mostly hit the enemy. He'll only appear and fight pretty damn randomly, since getting to 1 gob without the unit routing or him getting killed instantly isn't that common.
I had a feeling this would be the way to go, thanks you 2 for suggesting it. I suggested to Fantomen using the Ogre kingdom gnoblars as a model for the goblins. That way, they kind of encompass the snotlings too, which brings me to...

Originally Posted by Sombre View Post
Greenskins have a huge variety of units, they truly do. That's why I proposed splitting them into two groups. One more badlandsy with the black orcs, night goblins from the mountains etc. One more feral with savage orcs, forest goblins etc. That way you can do stuff like assign river trolls to the feral ones, stone trolls to the mountains/badlands ones. You get enough space to do justice to the huge roster of units and avoid being overwhelmed trying to do it all in one mod.
I'm kinda sorta, judiciously trimming some of the greenskin roster. There will be night goblins for sure! But possibly just the 'special' night goblin units, i.e. fanatics and maybe shaman multi hero types(?), just no spear/shield or archer varieties of them. Same with the wood gobbos, I was thinking of just having the spider riders representing them, possibly as a spell summons. The savage orcs will be summonable as well, methinks. I feel this will help keep the flavor of the greenskin armies without cluttering the recruitment screen with essentially identical units but with different eye candy.

Thanks for the replies so far!! Except for this guy....

Originally Posted by lch View Post
lol j/k Ich....troller.
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