Originally Posted by HoneyBadger
I'd like to point out that I'm not actually stopping anyone from creating their own unofficial .DM files, until official ones come out. That's partly the reason I've been showing my work, so that it's possible for someone to do exactly that, if they really want to.
As long as I retain full credit for my work, and as long as it's made very clear that it's an unofficial, and incomplete/unbalanced bootleg, then I'm ok with someone else doing the rest of the work, which I can then borrow and make use of, whenever I get around to finishing these.
Please take the following for what it is: frank, direct and unfettered communication.
Phrasing like "unofficial ... incomplete/unbalanced bootleg ... someone else doing the rest of the work, which I can then borrow" will actively alienate support for your mods. This is, of course, your choice as it is your intellectual property. That being said, your language is very strong.
Speaking for myself, I'm perfectly willing to bug hunt, balance test, provide feedback etc. towards a mod while expecting nothing in return. Every post I've ever made in regards to a mod was solely to add to the creative whole. Couching the issue in terms of "all mine and definitely not yours" as you've done is the specific language that could make me, and I'd imagine other players, want to -not- help you with your mods.
There is a decent chance that I'm speaking out of turn and I'm in the minority and I acknowledge this. I don't feel that this is the case, thus this post.
In summation: I've tremendous respect for the work you do put in towards mods. This is not intended to be an attack and I will never under any circumstance revisit this topic in a public forum, but it's precisely because I feel that there is both tremendous potential in your mods and tremendous potential for support in the community
which you may be unwittingly alienating that I say the things that I have.